Preprint Server Team

Editors in chief

Prof. Dr. med. Adriano Aguzzi
Institute Director, Institute of Neuropathology, UniversitätsSpital Zürich, Switzerland

Prof. Dr. med. Gérard Waeber
Chief of the Department of Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV), Switzerland

Editorial office

Managing editor: 
Dr. med. Natalie Marty, MBA - e-mail

Consulting managing editors:
Dr. med. Susanne Redle -  e-mail
Dr. med. Jan Roth, MSc- e-mail


SMW editorial board

To see the list of all Academic Editors, please click here.


Postal address

Trägerverein Swiss Medical Weekly
c/o Gyr Gössi Olano Staehelin, Advokatur und Notariat 
Malzgasse 15
CH-4052 Basel